

博展联盟 2023-10-07

Hassell + OMA设计的博物馆位于珀斯文化区的中心,它被设计成一个“故事集”,提供了一个多维框架,与西澳大利亚进行互动。西澳大利亚的新博物馆是一栋由文物建筑和新建筑组成的整体建筑,将成为当地社区和全球游客聚集的地方,分享他们对过去的理解、对当下的想法以及对未来的愿景。

Text description provided by the architects. Located in the heart of Perth’s cultural precinct, the Hassell + OMA design was conceived as a ‘collection of stories’, offering a multidimensional framework to engage with Western Australia. A holistic building, comprised of heritage and new structures, the New Museum for Western Australia will be a place where the local community and global visitors gather, to share their understanding of the past, thoughts of the moment, and ambitions for the future.

Hassell公司董事长Mark Loughnan说:“我们的设计愿景是创造出一个能够促进参与和协作的空间,以应对博物馆和社区的需要。”“我们希望为每个市民创建出一个城市空间,一个有历史底蕴的当代建筑,这样有既有助于振兴珀斯的文化中心,又能够让西澳大利亚的文化展示在世界舞台上。”

“Our vision for the design was to create a space that promotes engagement and collaboration, responding to the needs of the Museum and the community,” says Hassell Principal Mark Loughnan. “We wanted it to be a civic place for everyone; an interesting mix of heritage and contemporary architecture, that contributes to the revitalisation of Perth’s cultural precinct whilst celebrating the culture of Western Australia on the world stage,” he says.

OMA建筑事务所的建造师David Gianotten说道:“新博物馆是一个欢迎所有人探索西澳大利亚自然和社会遗产的地方。更重要的是,它被有意设计成一个进行对话的场所,以激发与全球相关的新思想和新知识。这是一个既展示又激发探索的博物馆。”

OMA Managing Partner – Architect David Gianotten says: “The New Museum is a place to welcome everyone to explore the natural and social heritage of Western Australia. More importantly, it has been deliberately designed as a place for conversations, to inspire new ideas and knowledge of global relevance. It is a museum that both showcases and stimulates discoveries.” 


Refurbished heritage buildings and newly built volumes house the Museum exhibitions, event spaces, and public areas. Two intersecting circulation loops—one vertical and one horizontal— connect and organise in multiple ways the Museum’s content, which includes a world-renowned meteorite collection and an iconic blue whale skeleton. 


“Western Australia’s natural resources, culture, and history are diverse. Instead of prescribing a singular interpretation of Western Australia, the loops enable visitors to engage with the Museum’s collection in distinctive ways, and tell the manifold stories of the place,” says Gianotten. 


A core element of the design is the ‘City Room’—a sheltered outdoor public space at the centre of the Museum, framed by the refurbished heritage buildings and a large cantilevered volume. The ‘City Room’ is an open space for everyone to stimulate their imagination and creativity, and participate with a variety of activities, from large scale community events to smaller gatherings. - “The ‘City Room’ is the Museum threshold, inviting everyone to engage with the Museum, the Perth Cultural Centre and each other,” says Loughnan.


A large new temporary gallery space complements the Museum’s extensive permanent collection and the ‘City Room’. The New Museum will house a diverse range of cultural programs, and new retail and dining opportunities—a Museum that invites regular visits by everyone throughout the year. 

Peter Dean说:“我们很高兴在新旧建筑之间建立一种动态的对话,这在遗产激活方面树立了一个新的基准,反映了我们国家在新的当代景观中丰富的土著遗产。”

Peter Dean says: “We are pleased to have created a dynamic dialogue between the old and new fabric, which has set a new benchmark in heritage activation, one that reflects the rich Aboriginal heritage of our State in the new contemporary landscape.” 

Paul Jones说:“我们全球视角的融合以及与澳大利亚的紧密联系,使我们能够探索一种既有国际意义又具有地方意义的建筑类型。新博物馆为日常使用提供了多种可能性,是对一个具有巨大灵活性的地方的独特和开放的回应。”

Paul Jones says: “The fusion of our global perspective and a strong connection to Australia has allowed us to explore a type of architecture with both international and local relevance. The New Museum that gives a multiplicity of possibilities for everyday use is a unique and open response to a place with vast flexibility.”











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博物馆精品案例推荐:大气磅礴 续写忠义——梁山博物馆展陈设计方案



